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David Walker

Executive Director, Boarding and Director BSA/TIOB

David is the Executive Director, Boarding and Director BSA/TIOB and joined the BSA group in August 2023. He has over 20 years’ experience in boarding schools and has worked in a range of schools in the UK and Africa, alongside being a prep school governor and a trustee of a MAT. Before taking up his post at the BSA, David was Deputy Head Pastoral at a large co-ed independent school in the South-East.


Managing Technology Use in Boarding

Saturday session

This session will give an overview of key recent developments in social media and the impact of technology on young people. We will then consider different strategies for managing a balanced and appropriate access to technology strategy for young people in your boarding house.

Coming and Going: making a success of pupils joining and leaving boarding schools

Saturday session

Research shows that transition points can be key times when young people are vulnerable to mental health issues or negative impact on academic performance. This session will look at how schools should plan for pupils both joining and leaving the school. We will look at the planning and preparation, introductory sessions pre-starting, the first day and the ongoing induction process. We will also consider ‘outduction’ and how schools can best prepare their students for life beyond school.

Leading a Boarding Team

Saturday session

This session will look at theories of leadership and how they can be applied to leading a boarding house or a wider boarding team. This will include sessions on how to bend your leadership style to the individual you are working with, how to set your vision and shape culture, and how to manage your own self-care strategies.

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